Without your help,
we cannot succeed.

Donate to become our partner in nutritional research

Your support makes a difference. Your donation allows us to fund critical clinical research that will change the way we care for our health – now and in the future! Please fill out the form below to make a donation. Give one-time or monthly. We’re honored to have your support.

Donate $1000 or more and receive a private consultation with Dr. Fuhrman

via phone or Zoom, or in-person at the Eat to Live Retreat in San Diego, California. 

This offer is open to donors anywhere in the world. If you live in the U.S., you must physically be in California during the phone / zoom consultations. If you reside in another country, there is no restriction on caller location.

Donate by Check

We gladly accept check payments made payable to: 

Nutritional Research Foundation 

4 Walter E. Foran Blvd. Suite 407

Flemington, NJ 08822

Living Trust

Naming the Nutritional Research Foundation as a beneficiary of your living trust ensures your ongoing support for nutrition research. Unlike a will, a living trust takes effect immediately upon your passing and is also revocable.

In order to name the Nutritional Research Foundation as a trustee, you must transfer ownership of specified assets from your name to the Nutritional Research Foundation. You will have use of all of these assets while knowing that they will someday support a worthy cause. When filling out the legal documents with your attorney, please use this material:

  • Our Legal Name: Nutritional Research Foundation
  • Our Mailing Address: 4 Walter E. Foran Blvd, Suite 409 Flemington, NJ 08822
  • Our Federal Tax Identification Number: 45-505-6982
  • Use “Charity” as your relationship to the beneficiary

* If you do not currently have a will there are some easy online platforms to guide you.

Legacy Donation

Many of our dedicated supporters have included our organization in their wills and we are eternally grateful. Donations from legacies make it possible to conduct critical nutritional research that can directly impact the management and medical treatment of serious disease. The importance of excellent nutrition throughout early life on growth and development, as well as on health and well-being, needs to be continually assessed.

By including the Nutritional Research Foundation in your will, you can guarantee that your investment in nutritional research will continue. You can leave a legacy by naming a beneficiary of:

  • A specific dollar amount or estate property
  • A specific percentage of your estate
  • A specific percentage of your residuary estate (the % that is left after all other bequests and/or expenses have been paid)

Your attorney may opt to use the following language when making an endowment to The Nutritional Research Foundation:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Nutritional Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization with federal tax identification number 45-505-6982 located at 8 Bartles Corner Road Suite 106 Flemington, NJ 08822, the sum of $________ (or the property and/or portion of the estate) to be used for its general purposes.”

Show your support with Amazon Smile

Sign up for Amazon Smile and choose the Nutritional Research Foundation as your charity. When you make an eligible purchase, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price – with no cost to you! Same products, same prices, same service! Please encourage your friends and family to support us.



